$Eggy is the cutest and most charming pet egg with adorable googly eyes. Eggy is always by your side, bringing smiles and joy to your day.

$EGGY Tokenomics

1,000,000,000 $EGGY
Gangsta Eggy
Bruh, take me home, handle me right, and I swear I'll be the realest, ride-or-die egg you've ever had, no bullshit, no games.
100% BURNT

Krugger Eggy
Hey there, take me home and treat me right, or I'll be the scariest nightmare you ever had, slashing through all your dreams!

Cool Eggy
Hey there, cool cat! Take me home and I'll rock your world with my egg-cellent charm and fragile flair—treat me right and we'll have a cracking good time! No homo!!
How To Care For $EGGY
Gentle Handling
Alright, listen up! Eggy is fragile, you hear me? Handle Eggy like you would handle a ticking time bomb. Be gentle, or else Eggy will end up as breakfast before you know it. Remember, you gotta be tender with Eggy or you’ll have a scrambled mess on your hands.

Cracks in the Shell
Oh no! Eggy’s got a crack? This ain’t no time to panic, folks. You’ll be making scrambled eggs faster than you can say “Sunny side up!” Keep Eggy safe, secure, and unscrambled. No one wants a scrambled pet.
Eggy is delicate, like fine china or your grandma’s old vase. One rough move, and it's all over. Treat Eggy with the utmost care. Eggy’s not some tough rock; Eggy is soft, sensitive, and in need of your love and protection.

Spare Eggs
Now, if you have some spare eggs in the fridge, don’t think about adopting them. Nah, instead, grab those bad boys and go egg someone’s house. It's all in good fun, right? Just make sure you don’t get caught. Spare eggs are unpredictable and perfect for some mischievous fun.
Rolling Eggy
Roll Eggy gently, like you’re rolling a priceless gem. If you accidentally crack Eggy, well, you know what to do. Cook that mfker for breakfast and start fresh with a new Eggy The Pet Egg. It’s a win-win situation.
Play Dead
This one’s easy. Place Eggy down and say “Play dead!” Eggy will stay still because, well, it’s an egg dummy. Congratulations, you’ve mastered this trick!

Throw a stick, then throw Eggy. Expect Eggy to do nothing, but splat. Eggy’s an egg, not a dog. But hey, at least you tried.
Simple Obedience​
Put Eggy down and say “Come.” Don’t expect much. If Eggy rolls towards you, great! If not, well, Eggy is just being Eggy.
Eggy can’t sit, but you can place Eggy gently on a surface and call it sitting. Don’t overthink it.

Place Eggy down and say “Stay.” Eggy will stay it’s happy ass right there because, you guessed it, it’s a mfking egg. Easy peasy.
Teach Eggy to lie down by, well, putting Eggy down. It’s simple. Eggy’s already doing it. Great job!
The Care and Training of Eggy
Treat Eggy like royalty. Handle with care, train with love, and always be gentle. Eggy is your fragile little friend.

Eggy and Rocky
Eggy and Rocky are best pals, and they make the cutest pair of pets. Enjoy the companionship and remember, Eggy’s fragility is part of its charm.

In Closing
So, you’ve decided to take on the responsibility of owning Eggy? Good for you! Remember, love and care for Eggy. If Eggy misbehaves, be patient. If Eggy causes problems, be forgiving. Whatever you do, don’t just discard Eggy. The world is filled with abandoned eggs, and they deserve better. If you take care of Eggy, Eggy will take care of you. Trust me.